Protecting of Minors on Campus

Albion College is dedicated to the welfare and safety of all Minors who visit the Albion College campus to participate in Albion College related programs. We are particularly interested in ensuring that staff, whether they be employees or volunteers, for youth oriented programs and activities are sufficiently screened and trained for the role of working with youth.

Employees and volunteers participating in such programs and activities:

  • Shall not spend time alone, either on or off campus, with a Minor away from others. If one-on-one interaction is required, meet in open, well lit rooms or spaces with windows observable by other adults from the Program. It is expected that activities where minors are present will involve two or more authorized adults.
  • Shall not engage in inappropriate conduct of any kind toward, or in the presence of, a Minor.
  • Shall not strike, hit, administer corporal punishment to, or touch in an inappropriate or illegal manner any Minor.
  • Shall not engage in the use or be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs during such programs or activities.
  • Shall not be under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, or legal drugs which may endanger Minors participating in the program or activity.
  • Shall not view pornography in front of Minors or make pornography in any form available to Minors participating in programs and activities covered by this policy or assist them in any way in gaining access to pornography.
  • Shall not develop inappropriate relationships with individual program participants under the age of 18.
  • Shall be alert to the physical and emotional state of all children each time they report for an educational program. Any signs of injury relating to suspected child abuse should be reported to the appropriate authorities.
  • Shall report as soon as possible, any suspected incident of sexual violence (see policy).
  • Shall not tell children “this is just between the two of us” or use similar language that encourages Minors to keep secrets from their parent/guardians

Mandatory Training on the Prevention and Recognition of Child Abuse

Albion College requires training on the prevention and recognition of child abuse for staff, whether they be employees or volunteers, for youth oriented programs and activities.  The program coordinator or director should send an email to [email protected] to request training to be assigned for all program/event staff or to determine if the training need is applicable.

Criminal Background Checks

Criminal background checks and Sex offender registry checks are required of each employee or volunteer, to be completed and affirmative confirmation is cleared to work prior to his or her interaction or participation in youth oriented programs and activities.

  • Regular employees of the College and non-student volunteers must be cleared through a comprehensive background check process administered by the Human Resource Office. There are select circumstances where this standard background check may also be administered for student employees and volunteers.
  • Student employees and student volunteers must be cleared through an I-CHAT background check and a sex offender registry check in the individual’s home state and the state of Michigan. Complete and return ICHAT_Form.pdf to the Human Resources office in person, by email (scanned) [email protected] or by fax to 517-629-0661.

Employment paperwork

Seasonal employees, including students who are not registered for student employment, working for summer camps will also need to complete appropriate employment forms. Please contact Human Resource ([email protected] or 517-629-0205) for more information.