Inclement Weather Policy


This policy applies to all full-time, part-time and/or temporary faculty, administrative and hourly employees.


Since we are a residential campus as a general policy, the College remains open and fully operational during snow storms and other weather emergencies. Any need for the cancellation of classes and/or the closure of campus will be determined by the President upon recommendation of the Provost and the Vice-President for Finance and Administration after consulting with Campus Safety and local forecasts. Cancellation of classes does mean the College is closed. In the event that conditions are dangerous (usually requires a blizzard warning) a decision to close the College will be made prior to 6 a.m. for a same day closing. Notification of this decision will be communicated by e-mail, text, and phone via the ConnectEd messaging system. This information will also be posted on the College website. “Essential” staff must report as determined and communicated to them by their supervisor(s).

A decision to close early (employees have already reported to work, but will be permitted to leave work early) will be communicated via the College e-mail system and by phone/text via the Connect-Ed messaging system. This information will also be posted on the College website.

A decision to close campus means all events are cancelled and buildings are closed. Although individual employees may choose to stay or come in, supervisors of non-essential staff must permit staff to go home and/or not report despite proximity to campus. Student social events and meetings are all cancelled. This policy does not apply to intercollegiate competition events which are subject to NCAA, MIAA, and/or Albion College Athletic Department policies, procedures and decisions.

When the College makes the decision to close:

Exempt staff are paid based on Department of Labor Fair Labor Standards Act.

Union staff are paid or not paid as provided in the union agreement but may use any available vacation, sick or personal time to get paid for lost time.

Students and other staff are generally not paid except for hours worked.


However, the College does not advise employees to take unwarranted risks when traveling to and from work in the event of inclement weather. Each person should exercise his/her best judgment with regard to road conditions and other safety concerns. Road conditions in areas away from Albion may be worse than around the campus area. Therefore, no Employee should come to work if the conditions he/she is facing are felt to be unsafe. If the College is open and an Employee determines that it is unsafe to proceed to work, then the Employee must notify his/her supervisor immediately. Full-time hourly employees may use any available vacation, sick or personal time to get paid for lost time. Administrative full-time employees may use vacation time to cover lost time.

Weather related notifications that do not involve closing will be communicated via the College e-mail system and by text via the Connect-Ed messaging system. Phone notification will not be made.

In order for the messaging system to be effective each employee is to keep phone, including cell, numbers current with Human Resources.

Approved December 2017