Choosing a Major

There are many ways to select a major. Two common ways include:

  • Have a dream career in mind and select a major that would help you get there.
  • Select a major because you are interested in the subject then figure out how it relates to a career.

Choosing a major involves gathering information about yourself AND about majors and careers

Learn about yourself

  • What are your interests? What do you do in your spare time? What kinds of courses do you find fascinating? Which classes do you enjoy?
  • In which areas do you naturally excel? What comes naturally for you?
  • What are your values – make money, help people, be a leader, be creative?
  • Are you willing/able to attend graduate school if needed?
  • What do your family and friends see as your greatest strengths?
  • Consider taking self assessment tests in the Career and Internship Center to learn more about yourself.

Learn about majors and careers

  • Ask your advisor and other faculty to share information about a major and required coursework.
  • Ask upperclassmen in various majors about their experiences.
  • Read about major courses in the course catalog. What looks interesting?
  • Visit the Career and Internship Center to talk with a career counselor.
  • Sample some course offerings in your area of interest.
  • Research careers of interest in the Career Resource Center, on the “What can I do with this Major?” page, and do a general online search.
  • Explore experiential learning opportunities in an area of interest. The staff in the Career and Internship Center can assist you in the process of finding and securing a wide range of opportunities.

Resources for information on Majors

Not all majors identified in these sites are available at Albion College. These are links to web sites that are not under the control of Albion College or the Career and Internship Center. We are not responsible for the contents of any linked site. The Career and Internship Center provides these links merely as a courtesy. The data contained in this web site is for informational purposes only and is not represented to be error free.


  • Compare the information you are learning about majors and professions with what you know about yourself and the self assessment information. Do you have the qualities and interests that match the characteristics of certain majors?
  • Choosing a major does not dictate what you will do for the rest of your life! Increasingly people see their major as a starting point upon which they can grow as their interests and skills develop.
  • If you are interested in several areas of study, consider a double major, minor, or concentration. You can take classes, join a club, or even volunteer in areas you enjoy as well to feed your passions.