Writing Consulting

Writing is complex. Let's talk about it!

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Peer Writing Consultations will resume in September 2024. Virtual consultations with the Director of Writing Consulting (Dr. Angela Zito) are available throughout the summer.

What do Writing Consultants help with? Toggle Accordion

Any writing! We specialize in the kinds of academic writing you’ll do throughout your time at Albion (lab reports, essays, research papers), but we’re also eager to talk with you about writing for jobs, scholarship applications, and creative projects.

What happens during a Writing Consultation? Toggle Accordion

You and the Writing Consultant will read your draft (if you have one – it’s fine if you don’t!), the Consultant will ask questions and point out good things you’re already doing, and you’ll have a conversation about what you might add, remove, or otherwise change. Consultations can last anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour, depending on the project and your goals.

Who should use Writing Consulting? Toggle Accordion

Everyone! Talking about your writing – at any point in the process – can help you get started, get unstuck from a tangle of ideas, and get ready to submit an edited final product.

Meet the Team!

Peer Writing Consultants

Abby standing in the woods, looking at the camera and smiling

Abby D.

Abby is a sophomore at Albion. She is studying history and math, and is a part of Briton Singers and Concert Choir. She is primarily concerned with cats, as well as anything and everything cat-related, but is passionate about writing, too.


Delia smiles into the camera in a close-up portrait

Delia J.

Delia is a senior at Albion college and is part of the P.M.B Honors program. She is majoring in finance and minoring in data analytics. She enjoys watching obscure sci-fi shows, playing badminton, and reading National Geographic articles.



Alura smiles into the camera; a building and parking lot are visible in the background

Alura R.

Alura is a senior at Albion majoring in English with a concentration in Education and a minor in Psychology. For the past three years, Alura was a part of Albion’s Women’s Tennis team but this year she will be focusing on furthering her education to become a high school English teacher. In her free time, Alura loves to spend her time outdoors and with her animals, as well as reading books by her favorite author, Stephen King.


Payton grins toward the camera in this selfie

Payton E.

Payton is a senior at Albion college currently studying for a bachelor’s in finance with a minor in data analytics. He really enjoys lifting, playing golf, and watching football.




a cartoon racoon joyfully sucking on a frozen lollipop

Heather P.

Heather is a senior double majoring in Theatre and English (with a Creative Writing concentration) as well as minoring in Sexualities. A founding member of Albion Gaming Club, they enjoy playing both video and board games in their free time. They also dabble in vocal work and tarot.



Amariah smiles into the camera; there are leaves and a fence behind them

Amariah T.

Amariah is a junior at Albion studying art and chemistry. During their summers, Amariah works as a virtual and in-classroom instructor for the Abolitionist Teaching Network, an organization dedicated to fighting injustice in classrooms. Beyond the art that they create in their personal time, Amariah enjoys video games, laughing at terrible TV shows, and playing music.


Livia smiles while cradling a white and gray cat in her arms

Livia F.

Livia is a sophomore at Albion college. She is majoring in biology and is on the pre-med track. She enjoys reading, traveling, biking, and petting cats in her spare time.




Jennifer gazes into the camera, wearing a black sweater

Jennifer E.

Jennifer is a senior at Albion College majoring in Biology. She is an international student from Nigeria and she is part of the Wilson Institute for Medicine. In her free time she likes to read badly written novels and complain about them to her friends.



Director of Writing Consulting

Dr. Angela Zito

Angela graduated from Albion in 2009 and earned her PhD in English at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She’s been teaching writing, training writing consultants, and generally nerding out about language with students for over 10 years. Her recent research focuses on how faculty across the curriculum use writing assignments to assess student learning, and how they might do so in more equitable ways.



The Writing Consulting program at Albion College supports and celebrates student writing across all majors and levels. From learning what professors expect in writing assignments to completing your senior thesis, you’ll find champions and mentors in our Peer Writing Consultants. In the Writing Consulting program, we believe that the purpose of talking about writing is not to find and fix errors but to explore writers’ ideas, motivations, and challenges, and to provide insights, suggestions, and strategies to help writers achieve their goals.

Become a Peer Writing Consultant

Are you curious why “good” writing looks different in different contexts? Have friends, family, or teachers told you that you have a way with words? If so, submit an application! Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis and are kept on file when positions are currently full.

Apply on Handshake

If you have any questions about the position or application process, email or schedule an appointment with Dr. Angela Zito.