Political Science
Study politics and power from domestic and international perspectives. Develop your skills in the classroom and then put them to the test through internships and service-learning activities.
How does a critical engagement with politics and political thought help us to understand power in contemporary and historical terms? What sorts of power relationships do we see at work in modern institutions such as states, global capital, and the media? And, how do subordinate groups and individuals resist and transform systems of power?
In our department, we explore these questions and more, by exposing students to multiple perspectives on the most consequential, and often controversial, issues of our time. You’ll learn in small, discussion-oriented classes, thrive under close faculty mentorship, and bring your ideas to life through internships, service-learning projects, and student government organizations. You’ll graduate ready to continue your education in one of the nation’s top law schools, pursue graduate study in political science, public policy, or public administration, or launch a successful career in a field like teaching, advocacy, public policy, or business.

Political Science Major and Minor
Explore great, long-standing questions about power, freedom, justice and equality.
Closely and systematically examine institutions and processes of government in the U.S. and other parts of the world.
As a political science major, you’ll step out of the classroom and gain experience through an internship or service-learning activity, then prepare for graduate or law school or an immediate start to your career in a variety of policy-oriented fields.
Political Science Major and MinorPolitical Science Courses
In your courses, you’ll engage with questions fundamental to the academic study of politics and power relationships; questions that will expose you to multiple perspectives on the most consequential, often controversial, issues of our times: war and peace, democracy and the rule of law, global capital, human rights, the environment and more. Explore courses offered by our department and courses accepted for transfer credit.