Additional Resources

What's Next?

We hope you’ve expanded your knowledge of financial aid through the information on our Web site. If you’d like to learn more, the options on the Web are virtually unlimited.

In this section, you’ll find resources and links, as well as a review of financial aid terms, FAQs and other financial resources.

Visit the Accounting Office for more information on payment plans.

Resources and Links

FAFSA Resources

All eligible students and parents can receive some type of financial assistance, regardless of your family’s income and assets. However, for Albion to determine your eligibility for specific programs, you must complete and submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). You can do this online at Our school code is 002235.

For assistance on completing the FAFSA visit 7 Easy Steps to the FAFSA.

Beginning with the 2024-25 FAFSA, contributors who do not have a Social Security Number (SSN) will be able to create a FSA ID. Details on how to create a FSA ID for individuals without a SSN can be found linked below:

First-time Borrowers/Loan Entrance Counseling

Each student receiving a loan for the first time at Albion must complete Loan Entrance Counseling. This requirement applies to students who have previously borrowed at another institution. Loan funds cannot be released until this requirement has been met. Entrance counseling can be completed by visiting

Online Forms

If you have been instructed by the student financial services staff to complete a certain form, you may be able to download it on the Forms & Policies page and print it on your own printer. You will need Adobe Acrobat® Reader to view the forms.

Handy Resources