Graduate on time with Study Abroad!
Albion College has you covered. All courses taken with an approved study abroad program will count for unit credit at Albion College, and your department can give you major/ minor credit. Need modes or categories? Complete a study abroad journal for Global Studies Category Credit, or petition for other mode/category credit for classes taken abroad.
Questions? Schedule a meeting with Albion’s study abroad advisor.
Eligibility criteria for Albion study abroad/away are listed in the college catalog.
- Complete the Writing Proficiency Requirement (the exam, the class, or other method of completing the requirement)
- Declare a major. Your study abroad program is not required to be related to that major.
- Have a cumulative G.P.A. of at least 2.7 or your program’s minimum GPA, whichever is higher.
- Generally, you can study abroad as early as your sophomore spring semester. See below for more on the Off-Campus Programs Albion Residency Requirement.
- Be in good social standing, as defined by the Vice-President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students.
- Have demonstrated maturity commensurate with the demands of the OCP.
*Albion Residency Requirement. Meet one of these:
- 3 semesters as a full-time student, excluding summer term, and with a minimum of 11 Albion College earned units OR
- 2 semesters as a full-time student, excluding summer term, with junior standing (14 – 20 earned units)
Think study abroad would make a big difference for you, even though you don’t meet these eligibility criteria? Petition for waiver/ exemption of OCP Eligibility Policy.
Course Pre-Approvals
Want to take study abroad courses in your major, minor, or to count for modes and categories? The Study Abroad Master Table lists courses that are pre-approved.
Need study abroad courses in your major or minor that aren’t on the master table? No problem! Meet with Cristen to pre-approve new courses.
Just need Albion credit? Good news! All study abroad courses with Albion approved study abroad automatically count for Albion unit count.
Course Equivalencies for Albion Units
At Albion College, we use the “Albion unit” system. When studying off-campus, you will take courses on a different system, such as the “Semester Credit Hour (SCH)” system, the “European Credit Transfer System (ECTS),” or another. You are required to take the equivalent of between 3-4.5 Albion units off-campus to maintain federal financial aid and Albion sponsorship. Use the guide below, and ask Cristen if you have any questions.
- .75 Albion unit = 3 SCH
- 1 Albion unit = 4 SCH
- 4 Albion units = 16 SCH
- 1 Albion unit = 8 ECTS
- 4 Albion unit = 40 ECTS
- .75 Albion units = 45 contact hours
- 1 Albion unit = 60 contact hours
- 4 Albion units = 240 contact hours
- .66/.67 Albion units = 5 UCC credits
- 1.33/ 1.34 Albion units = 10 UCC credits
- 4 Albion units = 30 UCC credits
- .66/.67 Albion units= 10 SCOCAT
- 1 Albion unit = 15 SCOCAT
- 1.33/ 1.34 Albion units = 20 Glasgow credits
- 4 Albion units = 60 SCOCAT
- 1 Albion units= 15 New Zealand Credits
- 2 Albion unit = 30 New Zealand Credits
- 4 Albion units = 60 New Zealand Credits
- CUEF language package = 2 Albion units. The CUEF language package provides a core language package of five classes, which instruct in oral, reading, and writing comprehension. Each class is worth .4 Albion College units, and the five class group is equivalent to 2 Albion College units.
- Elective courses = 2 Albion units. Each course is taught for a different number of hours per week, which determine the number of Albion College units earned.
Mode or Category Credit
Petition for Mode Course Credit Form
Petition for Category Course Credit Form
Global Studies Category Credit through Journaling (see below)
You may petition for a study abroad course to count for mode or category credit either before, during, or after your study abroad semester. Many find it easier to do when you return, as you will have a better understanding of the course and syllabus, and it will be easier to make a compelling case.
Note: a course must be weighted at least as .66/.67 Albion unit to be eligible to meet a mode/category requirement.
Global Studies Category Credit
Albion is committed that students gain the following related to their global studies requirement:
- An understanding of cultures or issues in the world outside of the United States.
- A consideration of their connection to global issues.
- A consideration of worldviews, power structures, and experiences of multiple cultures.
- The ability to adapt and apply knowledge from other courses, subject matters, or experiences to the off-campus program.
All students may receive Global Studies category credit for an international off-campus experience. International students (F/J visa holders) may receive Global Studies category credit for their US experience. To be eligible, the student keeps a journal about the off-campus experience and submits it to the Center for International Education for review, and evaluation of whether the student has met the requirements.
Journal Guidelines:
- Journals should include entries on at least two global topics or issues that are identified in advance. Some suggested topics are educational systems and teaching methods, marketing products to multiple audiences, migrant communities, family or friend dynamics, social justice movements, political systems, criminal justice, history and historical perspectives, etc.
- Journals should articulate strategies to learn about those topics. Some suggested strategies are joining a student organization on a particular topic, interviewing other students, taking a history or political science class, visiting a museum and seeking your topic, reading alternative media, talking with your host family, etc. Students can choose other topics and strategies that seem especially appropriate to the specific program and/or part of the world.
- Journals entries should reflect on the following:
- How does the country in which you are studying address the global issues you selected? How is the approach different or similar to that of your home country? Which approach is most effective and why?
- What cultural issues from the program would challenge people from your home country the most? This could be from your personal perspective, or a broader perspective.
- What power structures are at play in your new environment, in the area of politics, religion, history, or economy? How do they impact your personal experience?
- How do your current courses, and what you’re learning outside of class, relate to other courses you have taken in your home country? What is similar and different about the theories, methodologies, or skills used to understand problems and issues?
For details, see the Albion College Core Requirements. Questions should be directed to the Registrar’s Office or Center for International Education.
Credit/ No Credit Options
Your study abroad classes will automatically be recorded with the numeric grade assigned unless you notify the Registrar’s Office that you wish to have courses as credit/ no credit. If you take a class CR/NC, only the credit transfers back (not the numeric grade), thus it will not affect your GPA. If you wish to have the numeric grade, both the credit and the grade is factored into your semester and overall GPA. IMPORTANT: All classes that will be applied to a major/minor/concentration must be taken for a numeric grade.
Study Abroad in your Final Semester
While there is no restriction on studying abroad in your graduating semester, these are important things to know.
- Typically, study abroad program transcripts arrive after Albion’s degree conferral date. If this is your case, you can still apply to “walk” with your graduating class, but your transcript will reflect a degree conferral in the following term.
- You will not be approved to study abroad after you have met all of the requirements for your Albion College degree.