Teaching and Learning Resources

The following are links to the resource sections of several respected centers for teaching and learning and other electronic versions of important publications on college teaching. If you have other favorites to share, please send the links to the Associate Provost.

Active Learning Links

In passive learning, students sit in the classroom and listen to you lecture. In active learning, students interact with the course material in a variety of ways, thus making it more likely that they will retain what they have learned.

Active Learning for the College Classroom
Twenty-nine techniques for active learning, summarized by two University of California, L.A. professors.

Active Learning
From the University of Oklahoma Instructional Development Program, a model of active learning with some suggestions for implementing it.

How to Teach Using Role-Playing
The Carleton College Geology Department has a great teaching and learning website. This page tells you everything you need to know about role-playing as a teaching tool.

Professional Development Module on Active Learning
A professor at El Paso Community College discusses aspects of active learning, including what to do with students who have a hard time getting involved. This article also contains an extensive bibliography with several helpful links.

Resources and Reports

Assessing Writing – Rubric presented by S. Hendrix (Microsoft Word Format)