Travel Funds

Faculty Travel Fund Form

A budget for faculty travel exists through the Provost’s Office. This budget is specifically intended to provide travel support for faculty who are traveling to professional meetings for the purpose of formally presenting scholarly work. Depending upon the number of requests, funds may become available to those whose attendance is required because they are chairing a session.

Funds will be available only as a supplement to department travel (currently $600 for each tenure‑track faculty member) when department funds are insufficient to cover attendance at a meeting. These funds are not intended to support attendance at a second meeting.

We anticipate up to $1700 per faculty member will be available (or $2500 for an international conference), though the actual amount will vary depending on the number of requests that are submitted. Travel to Canada will be funded at the $2500 rate.

Depending on the total number of requests, full-time, visiting faculty may also be eligible for funding throughout the term of their employment.

The deadline for applying for travel funds will be September 26. The Faculty Travel Form (see link above) should be used to request funds. Funds will be allocated after that date based upon the total number of requests that are received. If all funds are not encumbered, an additional call for requests will be made in February. NO funds for any purpose will be allocated unless the official travel request is received.