Alumni Band

The Alumni Band at Sprankle-Sprandel Stadium.

Homecoming is about reconnecting with old friends, sharing memories of the “good old days,” and most importantly – it’s about Alumni Band! Every year at Homecoming, past members of the Albion College Marching Band return for another chance to step onto the football field and make music with current members.

Alumni Band is open to all graduates that have ever participated for one full season or more. All that is required to have a good time at Homecoming is to sign-up online, download the music and have a desire to relive the glory days!

As we say every year, this is the perfect opportunity for you to catch up with your British Eighth/Briton Brigade band family, share some memories, and dust off the instrument and play like you are 20 years old again!

We are looking forward to seeing you this year!

Visit the Homecoming website for more information about events and activities during Homecoming.