Student Judicial System

Basic Principles of Responsibility

As stated in the Albion College Student Handbook:

“Albion College is committed to a philosophy whereby students are treated as adults. As such, each student has primary responsibility for the quality of his/her educational experience and for meeting the College’s academic and social expectations….

Institutional expectations, regulations, and practices are established to provide an environment conducive to human growth, to reflect the values to which the College subscribes, to recognize the proximity in which students live with one another and to recognize the developing capabilities of students as they encounter and progress through the college experience. The purpose of these expectations, regulations and practices is to promote:

  • The academic mission of the College;
  • Those opportunities and settings that facilitate the coming together of persons of different persuasions and backgrounds;
  • Respect for the rights of others;
  • The values that evolve from our heritage as a College related to the United Methodist Church.

It is the student’s responsibility to initiate and maintain communication with parents or guardians. This is especially the case when enrollment is discontinued, or when circumstances exist that may affect a student’s ability to maintain good academic and/or social standing or to meet the requirements for graduation.”

The Albion College Student Handbook explains the expectations for behavior of individual students and student groups and the College’s judicial process.