Report Discriminatory Harassment

Discriminatory Harassment Policy

“The College prohibits any acts of intimidation, or any behaviors that demean, slur, or stereotype an individual or group on the basis of sexual orientation, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, gender expression, age, disability, marital status, or veteran status. These include oral and written remarks, symbolic speech, illustrations, innuendos, and electronic messages or postings” (Albion College Student Handbook, Policies and Expectations).

Reporting Discriminatory Harassment

Incidents involving students may be reported to the following offices:

Office of Campus Safety

Office of Community Living

Student Development Office

Incidents involving faculty, staff, or administrators may be reported to the direct supervisor of any of the parties involved or to the following offices:

Human Resources

Office of Campus Safety

Academic Affairs (for incidents involving faculty or academic staff only)

Anonymous Reporting

Any incident of discriminatory harassment may be anonymously reported to the Campus Conduct Hotline, an independent organization that will forward the report to the College for further investigation and follow up. It is important to note that the College may not be able to resolve reports filed anonymously unless sufficient information is furnished to conduct a meaningful and fair investigation.

Important: Please be aware that it is not possible to guarantee anonymity for forms or other electronically submitted information. To comply with federal law, during the course of an investigation the College may learn the identity of a person making an anonymous report. However, if this occurs the College would only disclose this information to the extent necessary to conduct a fair and thorough investigation and to appropriately address the incident that has been reported.

Incidents may be anonymously reported by the following methods:

Report Discriminatory Harassment

Note: If you are reporting an incident that is occurring right now, or if the incident involves actions that could result in serious injury or death to any person, please call Campus Safety immediately to report the incident: 517-629-0911.

The purpose of this form is to allow individuals to report acts of alleged discriminatory harassment without providing a name or other identifying information. Please be aware that the College may not be able to resolve reports filed anonymously unless sufficient information is furnished to conduct a meaningful and fair investigation.

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