Second Semester of Brit Books

December 6, 2022

Dear Students,

Welcome to our second semester with Brit Books. We heard what you said and are working to make overall decisions about the program this spring semester.

The one request of yours we could not meet was starting the program by allowing students to opt in instead of opting out. After consulting with our bookstore partners, there was no way to do it in the time frame we had. So, for spring 2023, all students are opted in — just as we did in the fall.

You are opted in until you opt yourself out. You can do that here.

You are now receiving daily informational emails, posts on Facebook, Insta and Albion Today. Your parents can also access posts on their parent page on Facebook.

You will also see posters, flyers and table tents throughout campus starting tomorrow.

Brit Books program is an easy, convenient way to ensure you have ALL your course materials ready for the first day of spring semester — books, texts, supplemental readings and more, delivered in-person to your campus housing or via Moodle/LMS/Coursewebs.

Remember, you are opted in. Opt out here today if you wish. Otherwise, look for more communication from Barnes and Noble about your order and delivery details.

You can contact the Bookstore staff about orders here.

The Brit Books Team