Princeton Review Counts Albion Among Its Best 384 Colleges

August 8, 2018

6731 Campus Candids

The quality of an Albion College education is being recognized again by The Princeton Review as among the nation’s best, evidenced by Albion’s inclusion in The Best 384 Colleges, the 2019 edition of the test-prep company’s popular guide.

Published annually since 1992, the book this year surveyed 138,000 students from colleges and universities nationwide. Each institution highlighted is scored in eight categories as part of a detailed profile. In Albion’s profile, under a section called The Inside Word, a passage reads, “Albion’s growing reputation means that earning a coveted acceptance letter is no easy feat.”

According to the book, students described the Albion academic experience as “rigorous but rewarding” with “huge opportunities.” The profile goes on to say that “undergrads are especially quick to highlight the strong science, premed, and business programs.”

The guide also shared student sentiments about Albion’s professors, including “easily approachable,” “extremely passionate about their work,” and that they “care about their students’ success and are always there to help.”

Outside of class, The Best 384 Colleges quoted Albion students as finding their peers “serious about school but also very fun and friendly,” who “value their education,” and have “a million interests.”

Last month, Albion College was featured in the 2019 edition of The Fiske Guide, another well respected and long established publication.