Albion 2016: An Action-Packed Year

January 3, 2017

By Jake Weber

For Albion, 2016 was a year for celebration; the pictures above represent just a few highlights of student achievement, academic inquiry and innovative programs that make Albion an exemplary college and a special community.

The College cheered a lot of growth: a big new first-year class, the creation of the Ludington Center and the Harrington gift that will spur neighborhood revitalization near campus. There also was the City’s groundbreaking for a new hotel and planned expansion of the Bohm Theatre. (And just a couple of weeks ago, many of these happenings were described to a national—and international—audience in The Wall Street Journal.)

You won’t see photos of those exciting developments here, but come back 12 months from now for the 2017 review. We already know that photo gallery will highlight another great year for Albion.