Faculty, welcome back to the Brit Books program

December 5, 2022

Dear Faculty,

Welcome back to the Brit Books program for all your course material needs. We heard you — and your students — loud and clear about some of the challenges you had with the program last semester and we have made some adjustments to make it as seamless as possible.

  1. For this semester, all students are opted in. (We could not make the change in time to reverse the process to have students opt in by choice. But we know that is the preference.) Students may opt-out by navigating to the Brit Books webpage, scrolling to the FAQs and selecting “How do I opt-out of the program?”
  2. You and your students will receive 15 emails about this program before the start of the semester and several after it begins, just to check in and ensure things are going well. IN ADDITION, please find information about the program on the Brit Books website, daily in Albion Today, on the Albion College Facebook page, on the Albion College Instagram page, on table tents at Baldwin, on flyers and posters throughout campus. Parents will be kept up-to-date on the Albion College Facebook parent group.
  3. As a reminder, the Brit Books program is an easy, convenient way to ensure students have ALL your course materials ready for the first day of spring semester — books, texts, supplemental readings and more, delivered in-person to them at their campus housing or via Moodle/LMS/Coursewebs. You just have to submit your order to the Bookstore.

Look for more communication from both the College and from Barnes and Noble about the details of your order and delivery to your students.

As always, we are here to help. Contact the Bookstore and they will get back to you as soon as possible.

The Brit Books Team