Professional Development

Albion College students who successfully completed the 2018 Maymester CNA program.
MayMester Certified Nursing Assistant Course
Every year, the Wilson Medical Institute invites students to apply for our Maymester CNA course. This is a three-week course that begins after spring semester ends and includes two weeks of class and one week of clinicals. Upon completion of the class, students sit for the state CNA exam to become a Certified Nursing Assistant. This grants students access to paid clinical experience positions including hospitals, nursing homes, and clinics. Students apply to the Maymester course in the fall, and live on campus during the duration of the course. Tuition is offered at a reduced rate and housing will be provided by Albion College and the Wilson Medical Institute.
Mock Interviews
The Wilson Medical Institute holds multiple mock interviews throughout the year to help you feel comfortable and confident for the real thing. We invite you to gain interview experience by practicing an interview with us in a “real-world” situation. Following your mock interview, you will be provided with feedback and suggestions to strengthen your skills before the formal interview.
Alumni Events
Our best resource is our Alumni. Throughout the year you can expect to be invited to various health-professions alumni speakers, dinners, and informational meetings. Interacting with alumni is a great way to expand your professional network and gain experience opportunities. Not only are they successful in their field, but they started right here at Albion College.

Student Leah, clinical job shadowing.
Job Shadowing and Volunteering
Students are required to obtain an abundance of observation and volunteering hours prior to applying for graduate programs. The Wilson Medical Institute will provide you with resources and placements to make this process go smoothly and to ensure you get the experience you need. From Hospice to community health events, we are always able to find a volunteering position for you. A majority of the Albion College students who pursue job shadowing opportunities are placed with Albion College Alumni.