United Methodist Church History and Resources

Albion College and the United Methodist Church

Albion College is historically related with the United Methodist Church, the modern form of the denomination that founded the College in 1835. If you are interested in Albion College, come from a United Methodist background, and want to grow your faith, you will find United Methodist friends, support for your faith, and great opportunities to grow in wisdom, knowledge, and vital piety (John Wesley’s vision for higher education). Albion College prepares strong leaders in the United Methodist Church (clergy and lay) because of its academic excellence, peer ministry opportunities, and engagement with global diversity.

Albion First United Methodist Church shares a building with Goodrich Chapel, and FUMC and Albion spiritual life sometimes collaborate on events and initiatives. The assistant director for spiritual wellness maintains a positive working relationship with the UMC Michigan Conference Coordinator of Young Adult Initiatives and affiliated campus ministers.

Students from other backgrounds are equally included in spiritual life at Albion College. There is no preferential treatment; the College has a core commitment to supporting a spiritually diverse campus and promoting academic freedom. Spiritual life is coordinated by the assistant director for spiritual wellness in an interfaith model.

United Methodist students at Albion College become stronger leaders through engagement with our rich interfaith community. They are more prepared for modern workplaces and in our global society. For those that enter the ministry, they are more prepared for the challenges of the church in today’s society.

Ongoing Connections

Albion College has a strong commitment to providing financial aid to students from a United Methodist background. This commitment is based on the College’s historical relationship with the denomination, including support from United Methodist alumni. For details, please contact the Office of Admission.

Albion College student leaders attend regional, national, and international UMC conferences, as well as UMC-sponsored service projects.

Some United Methodist students get involved with area United Methodist congregations, including the First United Methodist Church of Albion.

For more information on these and/or other aspects of the College-Church relationship, please contact the assistant director for spiritual wellness.