Common Procedures and Processes

Drop & Add

Drop & Add Forms and timelines can be found on the web. Forms are also available at the Registrar’s Office. Students may drop a class by printing the special registration form from the Registrar’s web site, filling out the form for the class they wish to drop, sign and date and submit the form to the Office of the Registrar during the designated add/drop period (first week of classes). Students may add a class by printing the Special Registration Form from the Registrar’s web site, filling out the form for the class they wish to add, obtain the instructor’s signature (required), sign and date and submit the form to the Office of the Registrar during the designated add/ drop period (first week of classes). The petition process must be used for any drop or add requested after the first week of classes, and the Petition Form is available on the Office of the Registrar website.

Credit/No Credit

Students may elect to receive Credit/No Credit rather than a numeric grade for a maximum of 1 Unit per semester. A CR is equivalent to a grade of 2.00 or better. The purpose is to allow a student to explore new areas of study outside their majors with no risk to their grade point average. Credit/No Credit Request Forms are available in the Office of the Registrar and online. The deadline for Credit/No Credit is the last day of classes for the semester. A Petition Form must be used for any Credit/No Credit request after the deadline. Classes taken credit/ no credit can not be used to fill major or minor requirements.

Course Withdrawals

Course Withdrawal Forms are available in the Registrar’s Office and online and must be returned, with all required signatures, to the Registrar’s Office by the deadline for that semester. The deadline is indicated in the Academic Calendar. The petition process must be utilized for any late requests. The withdrawal process is designed to aid students in unforeseen circumstances – including medical – by offering the option to withdraw from courses that may have suffered due to disruptions. The deadline is the Friday of the 10th academic week. A grade of “W” is recorded on the academic transcript for all withdrawn courses.

Petition Process

The Petition Process is used to seek permission to alter/waive academic requirements, such as core requirement substitutions, late Drop & Adds, and late Credit/No Credit requests. Petition Forms are available at the Registrar’s Office and online. Advisor signatures and comments are highly recommended, and are required in some cases. The committee meets weekly during the academic year. Note: changes and/or waivers in major requirements are not handled by the petitions process, but are determined by individual departments. Such requests should be directed to the department chairperson.

Directed Studies

Only Juniors and Seniors are eligible for directed studies. A Directed Study Form must be completed and returned to the Registrar’s Office before a student is allowed to register for the directed study. Forms are available in the Registrar’s Office and online.

Internships and Practicums

Before registering for the internship, an internship application must be completed and returned to the Registrar’s Office. These applications are available at the Registrar’s Office and online. Students must have a minimum 2.7 cumulative grade point average to apply for in internship. Students not meeting this minimum GPA should contact the Registrar’s Office for details on the process an exception to this requirement. Internships are graded on a Credit/No Credit basis, and only 4.00 units of internship may be included in the 32.00 units required for graduation from Albion College.

Advisor Changes

Change of Advisor Forms are available in the Registrar’s Office and online. Change of Advisor forms require the signature of the new advisor only. Changes can also be made if the new advisor e-mails the Registrar’s Office.

Major / Minor Declaration

Declaration of Major/Minor Forms are available in the Registrar’s Office and online. Students should declare a major by the end of their sophomore year.

Repeated Courses

Special Registration Forms for permission to repeat a course are available in the Registrar’s Office or from our web page and should be submitted by the student, with all appropriate signatures, to the Registrar s Office prior to enrolling in the repeated course. The original grade must be below 2.0. Forms must be submitted for all repeats, including those in which the student originally received grades of 0.0 or NC. Questions regarding how repeated courses appear on the record should be directed to the Registrar s Office.

Application for Degree

The Application for Degree Form must be completed and submitted to the Registrar’s Office the year prior to graduation. The form is available online and at the Registrar’s Office.